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Giga Travel is committed to tourism that provides insight to various locations in the US. Our resourceful information is based on:

  • Maximises economic benefits for travelers
  • Provides enjoyable and meaningful information . You can get information on hotels, local places to visit, restaurants and so on
  • Draws attention to environmental, social and economic issues and contributes to their solution
  • Focusing on the latest and most required information needed to travel .
Note: we don’t have any kind of tie ups with travel agents, hotels and tour guides.

All efforts will be made sincerely to provide the complete information through our resources. The information is authenticated and reliable.and up to the latest surveys.

Our website does not claim any kind of expenditure list and cost wise suggestions.The sole purpose is to provide the information regarding a tourist destination where you can visit.

All itineraries are sample itineraries, intended to give you a general idea of the likely trip schedule. Numerous factors such as weather, road conditions, the physical ability etc. might vary.

We reserve the right to disclose our resources and are not liable to claim for any kind of loss happened during your trip. Again , we are a team of travelers providing information on traveling.

We don’t take charges from anyone and the information on the website is free for everyone.We are nowhere responsible – directly or indirectly – for the natural hazards and any kind of financial or other loss during your visit. We do not have collaboration with government and travel agencies. Once you plan your trip based on the information provided on our website, you are responsible for your trip.

We are not liable for any negligent or willful act or failure to act of any person or entity, or of any other third party. Any kind of act and omission of safety measures will not be entertained.